麦家,男, 1964年生于浙江富阳。当代著名小说家、编剧。现任浙江省作家协会主席。1981年,麦家以数学一百分、物理九十八分的高分和语文六十分的成绩考入解放军工程技术学院无线电系。他是首位被英国“企鹅经典文库”收录作品的中国当代作家。小说《暗算》获第七届茅盾文学奖,《解密》《暗算》等作品相继与美国、英国、西班牙、法国、俄罗斯、德国、以色列、土耳其、波兰、匈牙利、瑞典、捷克等国家的三十多家出版社签约,还包括加泰隆尼亚语和希伯莱语。《解密》被翻译成三十三种语言,是世界图书馆收藏量第一中文作品,被《经济学人》评为“2014年度全球十大小说”。
Mai Jia
Mai Jia was born in Fuyang, Zhejiang Province in 1964. He is a famous contemporary novelist and screenwriter and is currently the chairman of the Zhejiang Writers Association. In 1981, Mai Jia was admitted to the Radio Department of the PLA Engineering and Technology College with a score of 100 points in mathematics, 98 in physics and 60 in Chinese. He is the first contemporary Chinese writer to be included in the British “Penguin Classics Library”. The novel In the Dark won the 7th Mao Dun Literature Prize, and works such as Decoded and In the Dark have successively entered into contracts with publishers of more than 30 countries including the United States, Britain, Spain, France, Russia, Germany, Israel, Turkey, Poland, Hungary, Sweden and the Czech Republic with Catalan and Hebrew translations also available. Decoded has been translated into 33 languages. It is the Chinese work with the most copies in the world’s library collections, and was named as “One of the 10 Great Novels of 2014” by The Economist.
Mai’s novels have a strange imagination and originality. The characters are dark and mysterious, and the story is full of suspense. The TV series In the Dark written by him and the film Sound of the Wind, based on his novel, are pioneering works in the modern Chinese spy war film and television craze. Wang Dewei, a professor at the East Asia Department of Harvard University, commented on Mai’s novels. In an artistic style, he “mixes the legend of the Chinese revolution and anti-spy novels; there are also elements derived from Western spy novels and psychological thriller literature.” Xi Jinping praised him: “I have read your novels Decoded and Sound of the Wind. You are the top author when it comes to spy war drama, and your patriotic spirit is praiseworthy.”
The writing of Mai Jia combines the characteristics of Borges and Nabokov. Decoded is a completely original style of literature – fusing spy war novels, historical elements and mathematical logic into a powerful whole. The novel In the Dark tells the story of the fate of a person with a special endowment, and the magical performance of the individual in a closed, dark space. The story of deciphering codes is full of suspense and mystery. At the same time, the human soul world is also richly and meticulously displayed. His words are powerful and concise, like text that is soaked with pain, it can lead to an deep, unknown valley, and then to an infinitely wide world. His writing itself can be enjoyed as a kind of secret, a kind of happiness, and an unexpected joy.
The writing in Sound of the Wind on the other hand is based on calm patience. The narrative has strong persuasive power, crowning this powerful and idealistic personality, to write about a heroic life fighting against spiritual defeat, paying attention to the pain of others to expand the boundaries of experience, opposing nothingness with firm belief, correcting people’s hearts with wisdom, and using questions and suspicions to obtain the final answer to the complicated mystery of the novel with meticulous footnotes. Mai Jia’s unique writing has opened up a vast space for restoring the writing difficulty and professionalism of the novel and understanding the incredible power of the soul.
Published in 2015, Japs is a short story about the life of civilians after the war. It is intriguing and equally thought-provoking. With the natural form of his life, Mai Jia constructed the inner texture of the narrative. Through a story based around the epithet “Japs”, it shows us the beliefs and values unique to the ordinary Chinese people after the war.